Well hello there!

Thanks for stopping by my blog. I’m going to assume that since you are at the “About Me” section of my blog you might want to know something about me. My name is Rale Popić and I’m from Ljubljana, Slovenia. I was studying at the Faculty of Economics and I graduated from Economic Science. I enjoy spending time with my family and friends. I love to read, exercise outdoors, travel and I really do love fashion.

But why fashion? Because it reflects my personality and it makes me more creative in everyday life, it gives me a certain amount of freedom and allows me to express myself. I decided to create this blog to share with you my perspective on fashion and lifestyle. I also like to blog about grooming, travel and watches.

I really hope you can find on my blog many interesting inspirations for your own outfit ideas so stay around for more weekly updates.

The gent style blogger, Rale Popic, men style, double breast blazer, loafers, carl Fredrik briefcase